Why you need car insurance on South African roads.
Trying to decide whether or not to buy car insurance? And wondering why is car insurance important?
Insurance is vital and very much like paying the rent, water and lights accounts. Let’s take a look at the reasons why it’s so important.
Why is Car insurance important – The reasons:
Hijacked cars totaled 16 717 and 1 156 trucks in one year ending in March, 2017. Provinces hardest hit were Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape.
These figures represent an increase of 14.5% compared with the previous year and underlines the importance of car insurance.
Stolen vehicles
Last year, stolen cars and motorcycles amounted to a total of 53 809. This year, 2017, the figure has already reached 53 032.
The cost of repairs
The huge increase in the cost of repairing damaged vehicles shows no signs of letting up. And uninsured drivers who cause accidents have to cover the cost of repairing damaged cars. Be it their own and/or a third party involved in the smash.
Without cover, an uninsured innocent driver has to bear the legal cost involved with claiming for damages from another uninsured driver.
Why is Car insurance Important – more Good reasons to Insure
With car insurance you get liability cover for:
- Injury
- Property damage
- Medical payments cover you if injured while driving someone else’s car
- Uninsured driver cover protects you against costs in an accident caused by an uninsured party. Or a driver with poor cover
- Fixed excess payments
- Cover for other people using your car
- 24-hour emergency roadside assist
- No-claim bonus
Why is Car insurance Important – Conclusion
Our road safety record is poor when compared to most other European countries. Plus, it is one of the few places in the world where car insurance is not required.
Its high rate of theft, combined with the rising number of accidents daily, make it vital to have cover. Only about 35 percent of drivers are insured.
Another factor in favour of having car insurance is that we are known for the speedsters on our roads. Traffic stats show that eight out of every ten drivers exceed the speed limit. Therefore, the risk of being involved in an accident grows.
Car accidents cost about R35 billion every year. To avoid the cost of being uninsured, every driver should at least have Third Party cover for their car.
Get a car insurance quote here and now! Just fill in the form.
All info was correct at time of publishing December 14, 2017