Wesbank Car Insurance is a Legend in South African Car Insurance

Wesbank started back in 1976 with the aim of enabling South Africans to buy cars by offering them affordable financing. Besides car loans, they offer business loans and personal loans as well as credit cards. On top of this, they offer insurance.

The insurance arm of Wesbank started as part of its asset financing operation. The company would insure the property which it had helped their clients purchase. However, the company has diversified its insurance offerings to include business insurance, vehicle insurance, leisure insurance and shortfall protection.

Wesbank Car Insurance Products

Let us look at the car insurance products that Wesbank offers. In general, their primary product is Driva Cover a comprehensive vehicle insurance product that offers many extra benefits. They recommend this cover to anyone who buys a car using their loans, and it provides many advantages.  With comprehensive cover, Wesbank car insurance will compensate you if someone steals your car. Or it gets destroyed by fire, hail or other natural calamities.

You will also be covered for repairs to your vehicle if it is involved in an accident. And Wesbank will pay for any losses incurred by the other party. There are some other benefits you will enjoy as a policyholder including cover for your windscreen and sound system as well as vehicle repatriation if it is involved in an accident outside South Africa’s borders. If you are looking for a third party only or third party, theft and fire policy, you will not find it at Wesbank.


Wesbank Assistance

Besides the benefits of the primary cover, you will also have some assist services at your disposal to help under different circumstances. These include the home assist, road assist, medical assist, entertainment assist and the legal assist. If you top up a little on your premiums, you can enjoy additional benefits such as the CoverPlus facility.

This feature comes in handy if you are financing your car through a Wesbank loan or a facility from another financial institution. If your car gets written off or stolen before you had finished paying for it, CoverPlus will cater for the remaining balance. You won’t have to endure the torture of continuing to make monthly payments on a car you can no longer use.

Another service is Smart Cover which you can use to take care of minor repairs on your vehicle. With this, you can have the paintwork or body of your car fixed whenever there are small dents or scratches. While they may appear to be no big deal, such defects can negatively affect the value of your car when you want to sell it.

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All info was correct at time of publishing October 26, 2018