Are you insured to use the company car privately?

Is your car used for business purposes or private use? Or perhaps you drive to and from a single workplace?

You may require reasonably priced business car insurance. Certainly, the way you use your car directly affects quotes, policies and premiums.

Does your policy allow lift sharing? If in doubt, ask your car insurance provider.

Vehicle use takes several forms, such as social only or social combined with commuting. Or is it business only and commercial travelling.

Private use car cover for business or pleasure

Do you use your personal car for business purposes? You can get special cover if you use your car in this way and here are some tips you can Private useuse.

Be accurate and honest with how much you use your car for business. That will allow for a better comparison of appropriate policies and premiums.


Complete and send the form to get private use insurance quotes, instantly!

All info was correct at time of publishing December 17, 2018