Claim Free Discount from Outsurance Car Insurance

You’d think that everyone who drives a car needs car insurance, but in South Africa, it’s not mandatory. In most other countries, it is a law. In South Africa, you’d be wise to have car insurance as many drivers in the country aren’t licensed.
Several factors affect the price of car insurance. Also, OUTsurance offers car insurance quotes online, and with their deals and discounts, they dare you to try and find a cheaper premium. With Outsurance you can Claim Free Discount.

Who is this Outsurance Company?

Outsurance is a well-known insurance company in South Africa. They were founded in 1998  and their claim free discount is famous. With a slogan Claim Free Discountthat guarantees clients ‘always get something OUT’, these discounts and bonuses are worth a second look –

  • They offer a year of fixed premiums and excesses
  • they process car insurance claims quickly
  • 10% yearly insurance back if you don’t claim in 3 years
  • free emergency road- and home assistance
  • with car insurance plan

Car Insurance is a necessity to cover against damages and loss. So it can spare you having to pay enormous amounts of money. South Africa’s car hijacking history and it treacherous roads aren’t getting any better and insurance is something that every South African need.

Outsurance offers five car insurance plans –

  • Comprehensive cover – this insurance covers everything – if you can afford it, go for it
  • Limited cover – protection against theft, fire, hijacking and 3rd party damage
  • Liability to other parties – covers damage to a 3rd party – doesn’t cover damage to your car
  • Essential insurance – this plan for R90 a month is for cars older than five years of age
  • Safe-Driver@OUT – this program is designed for drivers who need comprehensive coverage and who travel less than 15,000km a year

OUTsurance quotes-calculator allows you to find cover to your particular risk profile and needs. If you require further information, you can phone 08 600 60 000 or request them to call you back. A trained, knowledgeable insurance sales advisor will contact you.

Always Deals and Discounts to be Had, Claim Free Discount

OUTsurance provides car owners and drivers with plenty of vehicle insurance packages. You can bet there are always deals and discounts which allow customers to save money on their monthly premium. If you opt in for the OUTbonus, you might get back as much as 10% of all the premiums you have paid so far.

OUTsurance knows too well that this discount or bonus is a potent marketing tool of theirs. This promise from Outsurance – to give you back 10% of your yearly car insurance if you do not make claims in 3 years – is a huge drawcard. Even more striking is the fact that clients can get back the full amount of premiums if they don’t claim for 15 years.

So car insurance is never an easy, straightforward choice as who do you trust today? You can trust Outsurance. They have shown outstanding growth since 1998, testimony to the fact they’re doing something good.
With free car insurance discounts from this reputable, trustworthy car insurer, you’re at least stand the chance of navigating South Africa’s dangerous roads with some confidence.


To get you car insurance quote, fill in the form on this page and hit the Get a Quote button!

All info was correct at time of publishing December 11, 2018