How to Cut Car Insurance Costs

Cut car insurance costs by shopping around first. If you’ve already received a few online insurance quotes, the price you see needn’t be set in stone. There are some things you can do to cut insurance costs further. For starters, if you’re considering investing in a high-quality used vehicle or even a brand new car, you pay a high price for those must-be-seen-in-it top brand vehicles.

Cut Car Insurance – You Pay to Show Off

If you want to show off in a sports car or a huge 4X4, then you’ll pay far more for insurance. Whatever car you do drive, make sure you assess its value each year. These bigger, sportier cars are a greater risk than other ‘ordinary’ cars. They are at a far higher risk of being stolen or hijacked. Damage to these vehicles is far more expensive to repair as well. Most new young drivers want a high powered car, but these cars are more dangerous than others. If you’re looking to reduce your premiums, then rather choose a lower kilowatts vehicle.

Other Ways to Cut Costs

  • Take an advanced driving course – most car insurance companies will reward this effort with lower premiums. With a defensive driving course certificate, you’ll be a safer driver. Insurance companies will pay you for that.
  • Make sure your vehicle parks in a safe, locked area, particularly at night. When you buy a car, ensure that you have some anti-theft devices such as alarms, immobilisers or a tracking device.
  • Let your insurance company if you work from home and you only use your car to go out occasionally. The lower your mileage, the lower your premiums will be.
  • Drive carefully because a clean automobile accident history will reduce your insurance premiums
  • because you are less of a risk on the roads. These are known as pay-as-you-drive policies.
  • Many people choose to pay a higher excess so that they can pay lower premiums.Ways to Cut Car Insurance Costs


More Tips

  • If your country makes car insurance mandatory, not taking out insurance wouldn’t be an option. Should you damage someone else’s vehicle, you’ll have to fork up for repairs to the other car and legal claims. If you can’t afford the higher paying comprehensive insurance, look at the much more affordable Third Party Only insurance.
  • If you have recently renewed your policy and once again the premium has gone up, now’s the time to shop around for new quotes from other companies to see if there aren’t lower rates somewhere. Cheap doesn’t necessarily mean better, so check what’s in it for you.
  • Where you live does make a difference to your car insurance premiums. It’s laughable to think that anyone would move to a cheaper area just to keep their car insurance premiums down. But if you’re considering a move, why not in any case look for a less expensive area that is safe and attractive, but which insurance companies don deem to be Millionaire’s Row? If prestige doesn’t count with you, you won’t only pay less on your car insurance; you’ll pay less for your electricity bills as well as paying less in other areas too.

Cut Car Insurance – Make things Happen for You

It’s sheer ignorance that causes many people to be paying far more for their car insurance premiums than they should. They believe their insurance company is untouchable. The insurance company isn’t about to tell you about the ways you can pay them less. You’ve got to make it happen yourself. Do the research, get wise and give yourself a break from the high premiums you’re paying now.

Apply for a car insurance quote here.
Just complete and submit the form on this page.

All info was correct at time of publishing October 16, 2018